england beat san marino. gasp! bbc news tells me. again? rather a flash back to the 70’s typical late night mid week match i’d be listening on my binatone clock radio and someone like Norman Hunter would lumpen burly home the winner late in the second half, the san marino keeper was always a postman. why? are mail delivery folk particularly good shotstoppers? do they have a panache for wearing table tennis bat pimple style gloves? but sheesh san marino, i reckon you’d be just as hard pressed to beat hersham comrades under 13’s (hersham conrads?)… the obvious suggestion would be to round up all these tiddly countries, you know san marino, andorra, the faroe islands, collect the milk men, the seal herders, the dishwasher operatives and put them all in one fabulous harlem globe trotters superfly team… you could call them scotland