
gawd i feel miserable
i’ve been crying this morning, as i’m sure have many others, theres a myriad good reasons to be appalled
emotions a funny thing tho, doesn’t run to clockwork, rather on a whim, visceral
crying because i feel like i’m back at secondary school, that its all those same same knobheads who voted ukip
i loathed them then… and, tho i didn’t realise it till a short while ago, still do
and why? they scare me, they’ll hate you if in anyway your different
how different? well not very, in my case, just a jot, maybe you think flowers are cool? or you’ve read a book? that’d be enough
apologies for no attempt at political analysis, no feigning at upbeat inclusiveness
it does feel divisive
but yeah thats the country we live in

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