freed from desire

audio of text

‘Freed from desire, mind and senses purified’
i’ve been rolling these words around on my tongue all day long, like some buddhist koan pebble gobstopper
i’m rubbish at equinamity, just too darn difficult… so with some relief finally realised that this owl pellet of wisdom isn’t from thich naht hahn,
but rather a cheesey dance song that came up on this mornings jog, it continues:
‘My love has got no power, he’s got his trampoline! my love has got no money, he’s got his trampoline!’, sentiments i can definitely get bounce behind

the certain knowledge that November is not for me… its all being reclusive, chunky knitwear and glum soup
the endless twilight tho is quite beautiful
colours of washed out lemon, with a flame aura of blue through violet
black clouds like scattered ash, lit from below, feather bellied, swollen, solemn, ponderous
indeed, nuage et nuance

katie: Love it! And my love has got his strong beliefs (and hopefully a strong trampoline too)

truth! whatever lyrical quibbles its deffo an earworm… listened to it again, now its going around my head, probs till christmas day xx

lou: Yesssss this song is epic ✨ November live to your dear 🤗

magda: Na na na na na na naaana na naaana na na😀

harley: na na na na na nah-nah na na na na nana!

genius! i think they realised that the words they had were perfection in themselves, so decided not to bother making up any more xx

hey jude for the dance generation

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