Wild Garlic Pesto

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Wild Garlic Pesto! this mornings culinary experiment in potions… one batch with nettles, one without. oooomph in a jar!
no vampires will be snogging me… well at least not this morning
i love the virulent, almost Radioactive, fairy washing up liquid absinthe GREEN of Ransoms
these gathered whilst up at mums yesterday… of course i had no bag, so fistful bushels of green coddled in my arms, a cloud of pong, as i meander stride along the willow and alder clogged banks of the River Mole… manic, deranged grin for all the surrey families… menace with foliage.
Wild Garlic Pesto and Porridge! always conjures pleasant memories of our mighty cycle ride Lands End to John O’ Groats… how can that be 8 years ago now!
mutters, must go on more adventures!… conveniently neglecting to remember i’m not long back from the Himalaya

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a pleasantly erratic week, a few days off, so up to London to visit friends… out on a bike, pedaling along canals, past monuments, down residential back streets, out to the marsh lands of the north east (crested grebes!)
every park the brimful hurrah of blossoms… so many cycle routes, nowadays, London on a bike is a joy
back in sussex… first sea swim since my return, fff-ing freezing…. pottering with seedlings in the garden… trips to the tip… singing… ginormous portions of veggie lasagna with daughter
the usual cheerful sprawl of spring life

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god is risen. scoff chocolate eggs…
sheltering from the rain under the tree in the garden… birdsong is all trill, hoot and chirrup
out in the woods the goddess runs amok, profound and fecund…. ah april! our splurge extravaganza in green

lejog long ago

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