
audio of text

bless the infinite tumult crescendo of late may!
a world burst higgeldy piggeldy with flowers
bird song, days stretched out by endless light
the air perfumed by liacs, roses and elderflowers
kirtan, evenings of comedy, dancing at caravanersai
the mighty elm of preston park
dunk in the crisp, electric blue of the ocean
a handful of words scattered carelessly
the soft languor of twilight, expansive, realm of staggering rapture, flow from above
bask in this enchantment, today, the euphoria of everywhere!
pics, mostly, credit to mara

it’s me, me,me and me again!… yes, i know, i tried diluting with flowers… but it’s impossible to choose a single snap, when the colours are just so blooming marvelous! x

Esther: Love your take on the world 💜

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