having a morning of grokking gregorian chanting… soothes my ragged soul, no doubt packed full of solfeggio goodness
its so harmonious that it took me 5 minutes to realise that i was playing one album on youtube and a similarish one from my hard drive simultaneously, with nary a quibble of dischord!
either that or i’m tone deaf, perish the thought!… makes a change from the usual reggae or glum profound folk strummings
it has left me rummaging around the internet wondering where i can get some priestly robes… check out this dude!
makes todays pink t-shirt resonate a little subdued
tho now i am remembering finding a robin trapped in exeter cathedral, as it flapped up into the sunset light, beautiful bladerunner-esque
oh or being kicked out of said cathedral, back when i was 20… and somewhat off my head, by a priest in scarlet vestments. pointing his huge huge finger! yikes scary!
anyway bored with work, quel horeur… surely time for some sunshine? x