home. om shanti om. exstasis. ajna daff-ff-odil, ff-ing fff-freezing!
a beautiful morning, the river ouse outside the window perfectly calm… the moment when the flood of fresh water downstream is matched by the incoming tide. pivot
ebb balances flow… cusp. this sense of poise.
there is serenity even during spring, this season of both burgeoning possibility and hectic bustle.
equinox full hurtle, solstice stasis.
our moon blooming towards full
euphoria and stupour… tranquility and transience, all arise from each other, a pendulum swing
the complex interaction of cycles, a force which which conjures the universe, feel it flowing through ourselves
duality… polarity… step back, ‘transcend’… everything must change, is changing. the forever flux
even as i stumble to a puzzled mumble halt, as if doctor who were dabbling and gabbling with ganja, ha
it’s a joy to try to voice the obvious… go on give it a go for yourself!
singing along to krishna das as i type, breath of the heart, baba hanuman, luscious and full. deep resonant earthy tones, matching the hoover wheeze drone of the harmonium…
bagpipes! hoovers! harmoniums! oh the life giving drone of prana
been back a week or so now, such an amazing adventure! a fortunate fellow.
being back has been kinda fun too. once you endure the bamboozlement and exhaustion of jet lag
family! a few friends… ecstatic dance, singing, moshing down the front at franz ferdinand, kirtan, country strolls, bashing about on the bike, sorting the house, yawning at code, pondering dosh, all da usual xx
i do love a selfie! you may have noticed… crown chakra pineapple… i mean whose ever purchased a pineapple and not tried it on their head? x