did anyone else discover it was a bit of a waft on the windy side?
cycling in, had to pedal flat out, just to go down the hill of Sussex Square
would have been better whisking the duvet cover off the bed and sailing
swallows and amazons tack
Once our dustbin was blown over and i had to rescue the lid from down the road, cycle helmet at a jaunty angle, dustbin lid shield clasped to my breast, ready for the joust, chivalry, love, knight in shining amour…
…still going home should be super smoothe conveyor belt blown along
………. after moaning
nonsense, being buffeted it’s such good fun,
legs washing machine churning, trying to dent the wind
baggy clothes sucked back taut by the gale
a smear of grimace of a grin across my face, waaghh,
as though I am smudged up ‘gainst a window pane.
the rain, like being ‘slapped in the face with a damp flannel’
….. does though play havoc with my bobby charlton dreadlock combover