sumptous pong

sumptous pong of lilacs, piddinghoe midst the persistent drizzle, admiring the sinous curves of the incinerator, launched across the river, my! just like the ark, all the time with good cheer ‘…and i won’t forget to put Roses on your grave’

oh! i’d presumed this was an original, but looks like its the stones, but their version is an upbeat stomp, lacks the maudling yearn… but hey ho, some might like to see them in their pomp!

a trudge

a trudge, with trusty dog, up the hillside, thru the ruddy, stodgy devon mud
beneath the discerning stare of brute huge, swag bellied cows,
quietly about their lumbersome bother, some glower… with menaces
the clod and the pebble… thought babbles schoolboy blake.. ha, gravity is a myth, like the earth sucks
into the woods, the grey skies coax the clamour of colour: from bluebells, from campions,
sets free the vibrant, myriad hue of green, all is mottled, daubed, expansive
the euphoric flourish of each and every leaf, oh beautiful floozy spring!
a patina of birdsong.. ‘tell all secrets, tell all secrets’
just for a moment, i put aside these burdensome words, one step further, free from thought, to fumble on, into the joyful breath of the world, which tumbling, burgeoning, always is and forever thus