
audio of text

Chutniiieeee! Tomato and Apple….. agonisingly, ecstatically yum!
first time i’ve ever made it! the secret ingredient ginger (not so secret now blabbermouth)
toms from the garden, a bag of apples from up the hill… the rest of the ingredients all from rummaging deep within the pantry
bung EVERYTHING in the pan and gently hubble and trouble boil away… eventually all was reduced to a state of primordial gloop… that wot the first amoeba clambered out from?
its texture sticky to the finger, colour kinda brown but with lashings of radioactive vermilion
as you can gather i’m proud of it…
it also required great poise to achieve a selfie balancing an apple on my head (William ‘kiss and’ Tell)
anyway had intended to give up on facebook… horribly last decade… at least i’ve spared you my poetry… but you know. CHUTNEY!
a Hindii word originally ‘to lick, or eat with appetite’… indeed!

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