feeling deliciously fluffy and mellow, back from a week roaming around the western lands
firstly pootling about near glasto with lovely friends, up the tor, zig zag, forensic grammar(!) cactii and erbs
Then the glorious hug fest that is buddhafield… the site hunkered down in a valley, serene amongst trees, prayer flags fluttering against a backdrop of sky, the mingled sounds of drums, voices singing and the grumpy thud of electronic beats
interestingly i didn’t have as many of the full power euphoric moments of other years, but just felt astonishingly happy… enough, more than enough!
land and people, always it is land and people that both heals and nourishes us
lots of missed connections, curious how many friends you can only glimpse but once over 5 days, but, ha, no matter when you can plonk yourself down next to a random stranger, gabble away, share a moment
my most powerful memory is just that of laughing! many many lovely new people
grooving away down the front to omniblivion, qi gong, yakking about the fire, singing, snuggled up, cozy in small world after all the bands have gone
stewarding, rocking the walkie talkie, hi viz and colourful ermintrude hat!
Curiously, stewarding is brill, a few niggly moments of course(!), but its such a gentle friendly way to get involved with and deeply into the festie
its a bit like being in a singing workshop, if i’m at the back, on the edge, behind a couple of tall broad fellows then i just can’t feel it, miss every note
but when i wriggle and shimmy my way to the front, there, cocooned amongst folk, caressed by the timbre and warmth of the human voice… there …together
heartfelt thanks to all you beauuuuuuuuuuuuutiful souls. Love Ya!
no pics, as always, so just the first song i’m listening to this morning… take it away janis
Author: basgallop
soppy kiss
…and a huge hug and a soppy kiss, belatedly, for all of the buddhafield massif!!!! You wonderful people!
due to circumstances (thanks to those who helped with those) was a preposterous but sumptous short 48 hour jaunt to somerset!
many lovely new friends, nights giggling and guffawing withb old ones… meditation, and a very lumpy earth to sleep on
highlights.. hmmm many! a heat funk ecstatic dance, gawping into beautiful soulful eyes, hugging, but then sweat stuck flesh to flesh, having to peel yourself apart from each other (ha!)… straight from there over to the utterly different, equally amazing, manic gallumphing exuberance of the ceilidh… doxie do yaw pardner, strip the willow… ‘hello! would you like to dance’ ‘Why! Thank you. don’t mind if i do!’
else having a siesta in the glade waking neath the shade of beautiful beech trees, an undulating mosaic of leaves above… soporific patterns
after a singing workshop, one wonderful fellow went off to propose to his girlfriend… they were smooching in the garden outside of a tee pee… our camouflaged choir snuck along behind, surrounded them, linked arms and sang ‘Si a Hambe, qui que neni cose’ (or some such malarkey)… sentimental and sweet
overall, a reminder to myself that i don’t have to be curmudgeonly, overwhelmed, restricted, but rather …that sometimes,at least we can be open, expanded… exalted… to summon the feelings of poise and grace… blessed thanks for the sunshine, the beauty of this land, the health of my body (a boon so often taken for granted)… and most of all for the water that is love, that flows so sweetly between us all. om shanti. love x
New Site!
fluff-o-rama aaaggh tissues in wash… again, in fact when is there not a tissue in the wash?? around and aROund and Around, they leap out from some secret lair! …once again i shall roam the winter streets as a be-speckled white plump bum fluff monster. a brr beguile alluring look
Soggy Morning
gak! such a dishwater bilge light! morning has summoned up all its gloom and flung it gainst the window pane. Raindrops. speckled admirably, a free form game of join the dots, the sly admonition ‘go on, make what you want’
some drops, swell, then slow fall, an ungainly tumble down, a slug trail of slurp momentum, the monster guzzles all beneath its path!!!
world feels happy, as tho with the sound of a distant joyfull strum
new moon, first of this year, fresh energy, which coaxes us to the skip tip toe
…soon .. soon… tehered to bed. words just to tarry a few moments longer. rummage burrow. submarine. warmth neath duvet
Bill Withers
How do you change a duck into a soul singer?
Put him in a microwave and wait until it’s Bill Withers.
some days its all about corny jokes and lovely yet schmaltzy songs, its even got a sax solo! who could ask for more
my friend nathan (who doesn’t do facebook) is giving some talks about his book in brighton… i can’t make it, but go along should be interesting!
We Are Awakening… to who we are! (A talk in Brighton, offered by Nathan)
We Are Awakening is a talk about who we are, what we’re doing here, and what this life is really all about.
Of course, it’s up to each one of us to find out for ourselves. Thankfully, there are pointers along the way.
REALLY Knowing who we are is REAL empowerment.
It’s a Cosmic Story unfolding, and it’s all about Awareness.
(Sat 12th January 2013 1-3pm and/or Sat 26th January 2013 1-3pm at Friends Meeting House, Ship St. By donation).
.. and the mystical poetry evening he runs: www.mystical-poetry.blogspot.com
The wind was against them now, and Piglets ears streamed behind him like banners as he fought his way along, and it seemed hours before he got them into the shelter of the Hundred acre Wood and they stood up straight again, to listen, a little nervously to the roaring of the gale among the tree-tops.
“Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?”
“Supposing it didn’t,” said Pooh after careful thought.
i don’t usually post potted quotes, not that i don’t appreciate them, just pride that says i should try and express things for myself, but read this one earler, beautifully observed and the feeling/thought seems apt for me this moprning, anyway everyone loves winnie the pooh!
strange typing the words down, a little like reading aloud (which i just did, one of the most marvelous things on earth!), but very very different too x