When I read a letter from a friend or even but a squib of a social media post, I do so in the authors voice… It conjures a palpable sense of presence… Occasional goosebumps, usually comforting, like I can feel them beside of me
This is normal, we all do it, yeah?
Social media and the voices in our head. Discuss
I really enjoy this sensation, summoning the voice, the soul, of someone I haven’t physically spoken to in years
empathy? Mirror neurons? Mind miracle. ahh the Rainbow in our heads!
Muttered soto voce. Karmic imprint? We and the world are one, of the same stuff, we flow through each other
(To be read in my voice… Or if ya want as a challenge, ha, if your empathy is agile enough… In my voice yodeled through a snorkel)
I have no trousers! I must pick mum up in an hour or so. Eeek.
Up in Surrey, went for a walk in the glorious woods… a nap, in the sunshine, beneath a hazel tree, catkin dangleage, quicksilver. tree of dreams, sacred to mercury
Woke up pondering the above … Meandered day dreamily down the hill… Puddles galore… Got stuck… Heave ho squelch, followed by a comedy flounder. Splosh… Swamp thing, mud befuddled. Drenched… Had to drive home with troosers around my ankles and hop, quick step to the house
Mai Pen Rai
And Happy Paddy’s Day… Not a slither of green blood meself, but kids half so! X