man in the mirror

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‘i been talking with the man in the mirror’… brutal cold day here, snow fell this morning, but didn’t settle, i am nursing my poisoned elbow and glugging tons of turmeric, cayenne and echinacea tea!
thoughts, as often the case, turn to our Neanderthal cousins, wondrous hominids, if your european twixt 2 and 6% of our dna comes from them (substantially more if you’ve ever been a member of Oasis)
during the last ice age, they roamed and even flourished on the frozen tundra around about here, they’d have been munching muchly on mastodon bone marrow… and would probably have made light of my enchanting grumblings
trying to channel some of their qualities… obv sad that both those creatures are no longer part of this world, but just, how do you hunt a wooly mammoth? how!
why with brawn and stubborness, yes, but much more importantly with ingenuity, guile and cunning… and beyond even that, with the help of our friends!
being human, we amount to nothing without each other. mahayana baby

aw and of course, all i know of neanderthals… and much of what it means to be human, one of the best of books!

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