one selfie please

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‘one selfie please?’ invariably accompanied by a broad grin… I beam back in my most robust Brian blessed tones ‘YES Of COURSE’, then more softly add the coda ‘can I take one too’… arms are extended and we jostle within range of the fish eyed lens, this most modern of fandangos, and I do my upmost to look less wrinkly than reality. Indians love selfies, I love selfies, truly it is a match made in heaven. here’s but a few from my collection (was gonna include one of lakshmi the pondy ganesha temple ollifant, but didn’t come out in the collage)
For obvious cultural reasons, its almost invariably a youngish man, or a group of lads out together, usually middle class affluent, with enough English to ask for name and good country, often conversation spirals off into cricket ‘Ben Stokes’… tho in chennai there was a pastor, slicked down, tamed bouffant, white shirt, white trousers and, impressively, white shoes!
Smart phone magic has come to India, the hugest change since 10 years ago… of course it has its uses… making travelling so much easier… I love most the way every tourist place you go there’s a gaggle of youth posed in silhouette against some scenic backdrop, concocting a social media portolio.
… and as I’m clearly in a wafflesome mood…
my fave so far was sitting in the bus footwell, legs dangled over the edge, out of chinglepat… whereas the beachfront in pondy is how modern India wants to see itself, a throng of prosperous middle class families out guzzling both ice creams and samosas, life as a promenade… the truth is the chennai wealth has only spilled over so far… off the obvious track chinglepat is the norm, dusty, glut crowded with people, India, eternal, the same as ever… Chai, Rickshaws, Family, Temples
anyway my travel companion and I bought each other sweet milky coffees… I thought his name was Dougal… but now suspect he was travelling to din-dugal… he spoke almost no english… yet brandishing phone showed me some pictures from his life… his beautiful waif thin wife in a colourful sari… and… mostly… pictures of machines… big industrial machines… he was a mechanic and proud of it… if there ever was a Tamil Nadu equivalent of Bruce Springsteen, his songs would be for and about Dougal!


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Mahaballipuram and Tiruvannamalai
Such the lazy life of the lotus eater… already 2 weeks have ambled by since these…
Mahabs was exquisitely carved 1500 year old sculptures, you can stroll across the rock strewn hill and often have a cave temple to yourself, places for pondering, equally as it was Republic day and a Sunday, a cheerful and curious mob of locals would descend. Pool for when too hot
Tiru sacred Shiva fire mountain (Arunachala)… An enormous ancient temple, city within the city (India, bedlam in microcosm without the cars!), 4000 years people have worshipped here… contrasted with the serenity of the Sri Ramana Maharishi ashram, and a barefoot nature walk partway up the mountain to his meditation cave
Shanti Shanti Shanti


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Nahmaste… And all that jazz! I’m in India for a month, tis the usual bewildering bedlam bonkers… 10 days in Tamil Nadu so far, huge amounts of fun and some profound-ity. Gurus and Scooters! Splurge more words and holiday snaps when serenity arrives.. In transit today (ie bit bored)… 34 years since I was first here (yikes!)… we’ve both changed and not… Modern, Ancient, Sacred.. Go Gandhi Ganesha! x


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I was back in Granada last week… long waffly post warning

Such an ancient, powerful, spiritual place… where beauty and history are so preposterously tangible.
First time I’d returned since living there in the caves for 3 months, ooh mbe 23 years ago
where i went after prague, before south america and all the life changes that flowed from those adventures

chasing the ghost of my younger self, the uncanny feeling that i’d turn a corner midst the muddled streets of the albaycin, enter a square and there i’d be, sitting on the pavement huddled amongst friends, laughing, drinking… dogs, juggling, guitars, djembes
and indeed not that much has changed, around sunset, gatherings galore in the plazas, the spanish anarchist look will always be dreadlock mullet, drizzled with copious quantities of black garb
crusties and colourful pantaloons! this thing of beauty!

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this time i was just there for 2 days, the first day a tourist amble around the beauties of the alhambra… never been in autumn before, the burnished colours of leaves
then the next day, a slow mosey up through the albaycin… a menu del dia in plaza lago… heart of the gitano quarter
blaring music, kids arriving on scooters, being scolded, then leaving, everything a soap opera, community, stories played out on the streets.
Onto the next square, cafe con leche, beer, a game of chess in the sunshine whilst listening to a rag tag busking band, the dipping and quirky almost arabic rhythms,
the fiddler, he was like puppetry dancing, smoking whilst he played, a huge column of ash jauntily dangling from the end of his fag
finally, for sunset, the slow climb up the hill to the church

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a haunting and powerful sense of place, our stories somehow written on, absorbed by the landscape, there goes Rhona, dragging her wheeled granny shopping trolley, a scratched parched dry path, cutting up and across the valley, past gnarled dog eared cactii, off to fetch water from the fountain at the church, high on sacromonte
else sitting in a plump red chesterfield, outside K&R’s cave in the shit valley, fire blazing, Rasta, their dog, tongue lolling, persistently panting up and down the hillside after a stone, whilst claire squawks some cheerful story
now, lying on the bed, thinking long on muddled memories and the far flung shores of yesteryear

Punky and Rasta
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elegaic, i tell many stories about the caves, and that time, broad strokes, colourful, chaotic… too much borracho, the reality of it was much more complex
for me, Granada always has a strong, dark energy… Sacromonte, only holy fools would dare to live on the sacred mountain
mostly, thinking back, i am happy for such crazy adventures, for the heart connections… and grateful to all the lovely folk who looked after me

so it was, this time, at sunset, as we came down, winding our way along the goat paths, the alhambra glowing on the hill opposite, the snow capped sierra nevada mountains behind, lights starting to come on in the city below, the distant, somehow soothing, beep of horns
i stopped to look for claires cave, within 100 meters, but couldn’t quite say which one? familiar, home… and very much not
further on the hole in the wall, gateway to the valleys beyond, blocked up now, ‘ojo ladrones’… ‘look out, bandits’
then on the spur of a hill, a man stands alone, agitated, angry, he is bellowing at everybody walking along the path below, screaming at the sky, at the mountains…Maricon! Pueta Madre!
all this amidst the manifest beauty , the subtle fading light. Granada

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leave it here? ha… should get on with work, wallow on, till fade out
what are we? but the triangulation of all our human relationships? the social ties that tether us, i doubt it
what are we? put your ipad on shuffle all songs, the spool that comes out? nope
rather, somehow, we are all the people that we love, when you turn to a friend, begin to tell a story, a story a thousand times told..
yet your own voice summons a goose bump excitement, the thrill, catch fire, as sweet smelling Roses endlessly blossom and entwine with our words
….. oh and pics couple from last week, and a tiny sample from the one film of kirsts that somehow survived xx

plantabaja… the night kurt cobain died


(from a few days ago)

ooh eclipse in oz (g’day cairns!)… reminds me of the one i stumbled upon by chance in bagan, myanmar.
2 old pics by simon who kindly dashed about giving out cut up x-ray paper to protect the eyes of the locals
i was perched atop one of the ancient temples all on my own, majestic, powerful, profound stuff!
for this one apparently we’re best off with rituals in watery subterranean places (sea life center?!)
i’ve had a mega busy week, doing loads of interesting amazing things, but also struggling with some of both my own and other peoples darkness (possibly the same thing?!)
not really for facebook tho, which usually best when kept frothy and fluffy!
but wishing you all peace, insight, a gentle opening to the forces which engulf us… and of course love x

La La La America

ha. mid 90’s, drive away extravaganza, new york to miami, hurtling along thru the kaleidoscope of leaves on the appalachian sky way, plummeting to the sunshine, then dog legging up to san fransisco via.. er.. south america, a punk extravaganza in austen, alburqueque, sunrise at the grand canyon… and .. and… AND… adventure ..and.. and taco bell quite often… thanks to mel for exhuming the pic — with Richard Pendry.

Hengist the bonkers Viking

ha! just spent a very enjoyable hour rummaging through some of my old travel letters home, mum, bless, kept all my bewildering correspondence and handed them back to me last year!
i haven’t found the enthusiasm to re-read many of them yet … till now. but their hilarious! i have exactly the same wonderful pompous florid style, but scrawl handwritten, page after page after page, amazed and rather pleased to find i haven’t evolved one jot.
mostly though the letters are lovely, for their ability to summon the faces of old friends and the flavours of long forgotten adventures… today at least. hurrah for the past!!!
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Richard Basgallop oh and pic is 86, ko samuii? or mbe ko sammet? me scrawny from india and hengist a bonkers viking in a thong, who was determined to introduce me to mushies, moon parties and ozzie women… top bloke!

Nicky Guy I’ve just done the same String! I’ve got two big boxes full of old letters and photos and it’s hilarious looking through them! I’ve got some of your old letters too! Plus all the letters I wrote to Mum and Dad from every trip I’ve been on. …and a couple of travel diaries. Some great stories that I had completely forgotten :))

Richard Basgallop he he, enjoy your wallow! good fun ‘eh, i was just thinking how lucky i am, i got to write letters to my folks (and even my grandparents!) friends, sometime lovers and then on my past few trips to my kids. amazing!
slightly tempered by finding out that Finn, then age 13ish never read any of them to S, soulless, surly teenage brute! x

Richard Basgallop oh and feeling generally wafflesome… one of the letters i read was from hungary, and turkey! me and flaps hitching across europe, trying to get past the baffling kafka bureaucracy to go on the trans siberian express, strip searched by german customs, and a lift from a bored eccentric oxford uni drop out, 5hr around the bodensee, he meant to take us only 10 mins down the road, he was suffering from a mystery illness and insisted on stopping to play frisbee every 5 mins!

Richard Basgallop the other letter was from an abandonned log cabin halfway along the triglav trail in the slovenian mountains, me and shiv breaking up the furniture to cook spaghetti (al dente!) in a huge hail storm

Richard Basgallop ?… and most marvelous to keep on having new adventures too!!!

Bil Rose DEEELISHUSSSS!!!!! xxxx


yesterday i ended up sleeping at Triund (about 3000m) high above the snow line, a place with a fantastic view of the local mountain range,
the 3 biggest being Moonpeak, something unutterable and the Matterhorn(!?), possibly not!
these are somewhat tiddlers (5000m or so) compared to the mighty Annapurnas of last year, but none the less, not to be sniffed at!

as ever, rather an accidental Himalayan adventure, a leisurely breakfast and i thought, well maybe i’ll just go for a stroll up the gorge…
and one footstep leading to another, just kept going
beautiful scenery, Rhoddedenhdrons, a view back to Mcleod ganj, as the path zig zagged higher and higher
but the mountains still shyly hidden, tantalising, tucked down behind the ridge!
then i was amongst the snow, in places it was a bit dodgy, a lot dodgy!
but tip toed extremely carefully, you always have to when your walking alone
i met a few other tourists coming down and they told me how amazing it was up top, but also, that the lodge was open.
hmmm why not!
with a final heave ho and a huff and a puff, i was up at the top
gorgeous! gob smacking view!
there was a chai stall and the owner said i could stay in the lodge, it was already getting somewhat late for traipsing back down
there were 5 blankets, couldn’t be that cold? could it?
having become somewhat neurotic about falling off the cliff, on the way up, fear is a very versatile thing, i now began to think ‘just me and the chai bloke up here, maybe he’ll murder me in the night! chuck my body into the gorge’
It was a sumptous sunset! tinge of pink on the peaks, finally softening further, nestling to purple, then black
.. then the chai shop bloke said he too was going down, he was missing his fanily.. and would be back in the morning
click your fingers, instantly my mood changed, he was now my only friend in the entire world! thinking ‘aargghhh don’t go, don’t leave me here alone, not with the ghosts, monsters and demons’
but off he toddled
a curious night, just me and the mountains and the stars.. sitting outside around a tin with a small smouldering fire in it, raking up the embers, huddled right up to it, sucking up every last iota of warmth
trying very hard to be alone and not lonely
the stars were incredible, the moon but a few days old, laggardly tarrying, chasing after the sunset
then the big slow wheel, the reel of the stars overhead… Orion… as ever
even in the dark, i felt loomed over by the immense sky straddling bulk of Moonpeak
a very chisel jawed, sculpted rugged mountain
strange to think that the next human being was 2 hours walk down, at least a 1000m lower from me
you’d think the mountains would be utterly silent at night.. and mostly they were, but every creak and whistle had me wide eyed staring about, peering
at night, the light from snow and reflected starlight has a peculiar quality
sound muffled, yet bounced
in bed at night i was totally frozen, couldn’t sleep for the nagging quality of the cold
then halfway through the night. rustle crackle
yikes! what be that! i turned on the torch, to find a mouse!
he was a bold little brown thing, big ears, rodent twitchy
busy guzzling away on one of my biscuits! sneaky.
aren’t mice supposed to be scared? run away at the light? well not this one, he hopped up close for a further rummage
i gave him a biscuit and was really rather pleased to see him. a living creature!
eventually i slept
woke in the morning, survivor, with the light, and a lot of shouting and hooting
outside 4 tibetan monks having a snowball fight! they’d got up very early and trekked up, to hang a few new prayer flags, or so
in an exuberant mood, kids at the seaside, they gave me tea and took an awful lot of photos
all the tibetans seem much wealthier than the local indians, better educated, better clobber, not quite sure why!
anyway after brekkie, the slow trudge and snow slide back down!

not my pic!