lewes bonfire

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aww impossible not to love the lewes bonfire bedlam! the annual stripey jumpered cacophony
swirling smoke, teeming rain
burning brands shoved in your face, all is hubbub, a riot of fire, of clamour… explosions 2 feet away, absorbed in the body
visceral, a somatic nightmare
brass bands vye with samba ensembles, psychotic drummers provide a skeletal backbone beat
effigies are lugged, everything exploded… yes, everything exploded
a jostle, pomp of costume, melee down medieval streets
beauty glimpsed, forever fleeting
people are glamourous, astonishing. WE are beautiful with the madness, fresh of fire, flourished on our faces… shining, tumbling forth from eyes… ha!
anyway, hyperbole aside, i’m enjoying the blurry out of focus unreality of the smaps
good natured, in your face, ritualised anarchy

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endless endless rain, spent the rest of the day marooned in bed… even getting to lewes is a palaver, like your breaking into the town… a drive and a crazy pedal for me… all part of the adventure

hmm skimming thru recent posts looks like i live in a shower cap… probs truer than i’d care to imagine

hilary mantel

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oh Hilary Mantel has died

i haven’t read much of her work, only wolf hall and bringing up the bodies, and never got far with the final part, yet such a beautiful writer

oh you know, historical fiction, rolls eyes, and the tudors are so over done

but, but, her Cromwell! part Machiavellian schemer, part bully boy thug, loyal, astonishingly honest and self actualised… bought to life in a style of lucid realism, interspersed with poetic reverie

one of the best drawn characters in all of fiction. genius. RIP


read those books on the bus headed into brighton for a programming job, always 7:30 in the morning, rain, torpor, damp bodies squidged together on the top deck, groundation on in my headphones, nose in a book, happily elsewhere

…………………………………….. comments

Andy: I still feel grateful that you gave me I think it was The Mirror and the Light on Audible x

Mary: Cromwell, a man of great principle, architect of our modern Parliament and villainised for his King’s marital whims. He is one of my historical heroes and I think that Hilary did a fine job of restoring his reputation. So glad she finished the trilogy even if I did struggle with the last one..

Kat: Wolf Hall is bloody brilliant!

Nicholas: Unroll thine eyes! Historical fiction is the best! Just finished all the Ken Follett Kingsbridge series and on the last Shardlake book now… Next up Mantell! Escape that broadens the mind instead of hijacking it like hot gospellers and papists (and Facebook)

equinox 22

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equinox blessings

i went for a walk up the cliffs this morning, the earth rich and still green, dew and the glistening, gossamer spool of spider skein.

after for a dunk in the ocean… bobbing far out to sea, forever suspended between the depth of sea beneath and the immensity of sky above. equilibrium

what buoys us up? surface tension? and that we too are much of water

turn to align my body perpendicular to the shore, nuzzled, then gently jostled by the sea current

you can feel the swell, the shore bound surge, wave ripples through length and limbs

world moves through us, as much as we move through the world

sea holds all colours, turned mournful, gently offering them up, this song of light

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enjoyed my 3 cards for the autumn, sage, spirit fox and hermit

leaves on the tree and the seasonal harmony of orange, russet and brown

unlikely to be a party tho! mores the pity, rather reflecting my slightly subdued, introspective mood

they all look directly out, even if the hermit only through his third eye

observed, gentle benign wisdom. mirrored back to the world

peacock feather for writing a book. genius! i want

think i saw some in the middle aisle of lidl t’other week?


apart from that daughter been over, so in between busy and times, walks up to the long man and thrice around friston forest

anyroads… tranquility and autumnal balance for us all



Always believe in your soul’
an equally rainy day in cornwall, back in the 80’s, with my older sis
made me laugh anyway

things you find on your computer when your looking for important documents!
this just an old photo of a photo, the original snap must be a beaut, at mums somewhere, had to chop mum and younger sister out of this one as the light reflection meant you couldn’t see their faces


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Chutniiieeee! Tomato and Apple….. agonisingly, ecstatically yum!
first time i’ve ever made it! the secret ingredient ginger (not so secret now blabbermouth)
toms from the garden, a bag of apples from up the hill… the rest of the ingredients all from rummaging deep within the pantry
bung EVERYTHING in the pan and gently hubble and trouble boil away… eventually all was reduced to a state of primordial gloop… that wot the first amoeba clambered out from?
its texture sticky to the finger, colour kinda brown but with lashings of radioactive vermilion
as you can gather i’m proud of it…
it also required great poise to achieve a selfie balancing an apple on my head (William ‘kiss and’ Tell)
anyway had intended to give up on facebook… horribly last decade… at least i’ve spared you my poetry… but you know. CHUTNEY!
a Hindii word originally ‘to lick, or eat with appetite’… indeed!


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Lammas/Harvest blessings… right on cue the first tom to ruddy ripeness… tho this one seemingly so huge that it has, after einstein, warped the fabric of both time and space
must be such a bulge full world seeing thru the eyes of a fish? apols for another veg snap… guess august is always fruit and festies
yield of a different type… daughter has been moving out of her student house, a glut of clobber! where does it all come from? the trusty estate car fit to burst
guess that is what being a parent to kids in their twenties is often about… i can see my dad patiently and good humouredly helping me move for the umpteenth time…
lugging another lucky dip box: wizard cape, curios, futile gee gaws and a hoard of books. thanks dad!
life in all its rhythms and cycles

Sarah: Oooh that’s goodMine completely failed this year 😟no tomatoes 🍅

oh thats a shame… for me, most years, the only thing that gives a decent harvest… slugs and snails don’t seem even remotely keen on them! xx

Sarah: only thing I’ve managed so far this year is radish’s!Think it was v wet , then v hot, now v wet !


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Snozzcumber! that GREW in the garden!!
probs shouldn’t be quite so suprised as i planted it… but miracle of a slug dodger
i’ve named this one wilson… wilson pick-itt
alas poor wilson is no more…. sunday morning yoga followed by courgette and sunshine… a great start to the day

couldn’t wait till the midnight hour tho… too peckish

Sigh … Since festie I have clearly eschewed the use of clothes… So unspiritual and a symbol of capitalist oppression… Sky clad in.B&Q