blooms day

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tis bloooooms day (Joyces Ulysses set on the 16th June 1904)… preposterous book… prague my proxy for dublin… took me years to wade my way to the end of that mighty tome!
everywhere i went the only things I had in my brightly coloured hippy duffle bag, juggling clubs and a much battered copy of Ulysses… both seldom used… yet parks, pubs, raves… whatever time of day or night, however wrecked when i’d meander home, somehow i never lost my bag
must have started the book at least 10 times… beautiful gibberish… ooh its about hmmm death, music, politics, family, lechery… and everything in between… a hologram of much of the universe
if you’ve finished it presume your an intellectual, a pseud, have had far too much time on your hands, are dogged and tenacious… and that you LOVE words… personally, I think its fab!
oops enough of the maudlin’ reminisce… i was going to say, get the audio book of ulysses… it’s read by Bishop Len Brennan from Father Ted (apparently a famous Irish thesp)… deeply nuanced… he switches voices mid sentence… makes it much easier to understand
as the often the book is several voices gabbling over the top of each other within a single coagulated convoluted sentence. hurrah!

wild cherries

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wild cherries… sweet/sticky… purple/black… found these on a cycle today… thoughts tumbled back to ooh June 92, Praha… Sabina and I jumped the wall into an orchard somewhere below the castle
clambered high, high into the swaying branches, there to guzzle cherries from the tree.. laughing, juice drool on our lips… sweet/sticky… purple/black

noo bouffant

noo bouffant… transPlant… follicle profusion… as the sanskrit proverb: ‘ALWAYS trust a man with lettuce on his head’

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Elderflowers and wild Roses, the fragrant pong, the mood of early june
its been an emotionally turbulent time, sorrow, but also huge dollops of fun, dancing, there is usually dancing!
i’m impressed by the beautiful fickleness of the human soul… sometimes tears in the morning, yet laughter later… allow to flow through… wind harp
we are so versatile, intricately tuned
lots of root chakra stuff for me… being outside and in the body, a balm… smelling salts, counterbalance, to powerful thought
only when grounded, tethered can the heart truly flourish. peace x


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bask in this, the bliss of your perpetual, preposterous blossoming
‘YOU, you are beautiful’ this the whispered rhapsody of the May
of course the mind will quibble, it’s usual, mostly useless, toothless worrying
consider this, from the first split of an amoeba, an unbroken line flowing to, and then, through you onwards! a billenia of success and flourishing
the human line, the babe so helpless, so vulnerable, survival is through being cosseted, cocooned… nurtured
true for our mothers, fathers, endless ancestors, this domino topple down the generations
we are the CRESCENDO, the culmination of love
Incantation… how many angels are dancing on the head of a pin? who cares… but I know for certain that you are one of them.
yo! pirhouette in your beauty
says a man, with a medallion, in a grey polyester 70’s trackie top, branded with the logo of a company i once worked for, on a hill, above Kingston near Lewes

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ah, the body blossoming, one of my more palatable ‘visions’ from an attempted vipassana (i left in a euphoric froth of madness on day 7 or possibly 8 )
a teaching on ephemera, every iota, all material phenomena are perpetually arising and then falling from being
transfixed, a winters twilight afternoon, lost on a bench in the woods and saw, then felt, that it was so
the body, endless, ecstatic Rose pink flowers
bask in this, the bliss of your perpetual, preposterous blossoming


Abi: I was just pondering the rhapsody of May and of course you have worded it so beautifully

thanks love, ever entranced by the miracle of being outside at this time of year, impossible, for me at least, not to try and summon some sense of it in words
tho not saying i always get it right… hope you enjoyed your own poem, and that all goes swimmingly! hug xx