computers for schools

jen: Does anyone here collect Tesco Computers for Schools vouchers? I’ve got a few to get rid of.

On the other hand there’s the guy who collected a million ringpulls and tried to claim a fighter jet from Pepsi, only for them to admit that they actually didn’t have one. Surprise!

rb: please, i’d like them. thanks
i’m sure the natural sigh of profound cynicism is justified, but still the Steiner school is collecting them… though thinking about it, I know the kids are discouraged from touching computers (spawn of satan machines, my words) so not sure what they’re collecting for?

and yes please i’d like a jet fighter too, good for loop da loop!

tapoon piglets

once we were travelling in Costa Rica, on a bus wending it’s way along through the trees, jungle clung to the skirts of a mountain.
A Huge Barren rumbling, smoke belching, slag pit of a volcano!
The Bus driver was blaring out Salsa, and the bus was bunny hopping over the pot holes.

Finn was happy hurled from seat to seat!
at the time he was the ‘Golden Child’, 2 years old, all the locals would stop to pat him on his shock of blonde hair, else clench his cheek. coochie coo, a disturbing habit!
they all loved him, for looking so different to their beautiful but dark haired babes.

…Anyway the bus screeches to a halt, then everybody jumped out, a hullabaloo of voluble spanish. Caramba!
Following the herd i found the bus surrounded by a flock of peculiar beasts. The likes of which i have never seen before… nor since

They were piglet sized, long nosed, looked mildly like a baby tapir, but with a more weaselly fluffy Racoon face.

I shall name them tapoon piglets!
They proceeded to snuffle guzzle all the fruit which we travellers offered them, then turned tail and, as one, scurried back into the forest
Miraculous, it’s just brilliant that such things exist, i read all the Willard Price Animal books as a kid and the disembodied voice of Attenborough is a bit like a father figure god. But I’ve never seen nor heard of them critters before!
heres a baby tapir to be getting on with


has everybody seen these amazing things. Finn got some for Christmas, but he’s been too stingy to let me bring them into work.
Then the other day in the National trust shop at Nymans Gardens i found a whole stockpile of them! so now i own my very own.
Basically they’re a couple of bullet shaped very strong magnets.
What you do is throw them up in the air, they attract one to the other, then oscillate
the outcome is a beautiful screechy squizzer racket. fantastic.
like lots of whooping stag beetles, clicking their heels together
Another thing we discovered, (accidentally, at home) was that if you accidently bring them near a tv or computer monitor then the whole screen goes tie dye groovy colours.

……… old email …. as no magneto without electro
balloons and hair
I used to do the Christmas post , one year i worked in the sorting office, good fun, burly, hefty hoiking sacks of mail around.
One job was to empty the sack of fresh cold mail into a trolley, neatly fold said sack and put it in a pile.
chain gang, prison routine.
nylon trousers? nylon shoes? nylon hair? for some reason, folding a few bags used to leave me incredibly electrostatically charged.
You could almost imagine the crackle, hairs raised on the back of the neck.
I’d walk over to my friend Tania, then ,’ET phone home’, reach out with a finger, Mr Sistine Chapel South Bank Show God .
Zzzap! huge spark, blue flame crackle. Brilliant!

accchh guess thats the trouble when you have sisters, never can stop the teasing


i’ll bring some milly molly mandy in for you steve

morose reads milly molly mandy
much like monroe reading ullysses

There’s a Milly and a Molly in Ulysses (daughter and mother). Not sure about a Mandy though
….later after some glum posts

thread despair… and Ginger Rogers?

sealife center

ooh the sea life center is great, it has a marvelous dank clammyness to it.
jack the ripper victorian sewerage meets 1970’s damp brown carpet shabby Colombo
I’m sure it’s cruel keeping the turtles in that tank, but when your in the tunnel of psychedelia and they serenely glide over your head. majestic! Beautiful.
They Fly!

oh and


As I was cycling in this morning I saw some bloke in his car brushing his teeth!
Hands Free?

The other day, I was full pelt along the undercliff path towards Rottingdene, up ahead I saw a man mumbo Jumbo wafting his arms around. I thought aaah a Tai Chi head.
They’re always such calm friendly folk… despite the regulation issue shaven heads.
but this fellow dashed off a couple of spin pirouettes.
Fox trot Fandangos, he was ballroom dancing! alone.
Clasped tight to his bosom an imaginary partner, seaweed for hair… dancing to the swelling crescendo of the white capped, wind whipped waves
(either that or he had a mini nano ipod (other mp3 players are available))
I was tempted to hop off my bike and join him!

would you have been the lady, richard?

2 left feet me, so certainly wouldn’t have been leading.
dancing i prefer freestyle waving my arms about, that and simultaneously hopping on 1 leg
jonny said my forum personna was quite camp

marx and mccartney

Once I was in the Southern Indian city of Madurai, the Hindu temple there is just magnificent, one of the most

pleasantly odd and sacred places on earth.
the whole town is dominated by the sprawl of the building and peered down upon by it’s many towers.
Such towers, these are a gallimaufry of carvings, crammed full with the soap opera pageant of Hindu gods and

goddesses.hello dayglo!
the temple is unusual in that it allows non Hindus to roam through it’s many rooms and various spaces.
Much of it is shrine room after shrine room, all supported by ancient carved stone pillars, the stone here is smudged

to blackness from centuries of exposure to candles and incense.
In every nook and cranny a god.
Each deity flower garlanded,forehead daubed with coloured ash, surrounded by gifts and offerings.
The best bit though is the seemingly random acts of worship.
from somewhere behind an ululation, then you are engulfed and overwhelmed by the surge of people.It’s a gong

banging procession
This time, the worshippers are all clad in black,like a gang of ninja assassins, they have bandannas tied around their

foreheads… their all crying.

Later i was sitting peacefully beside the sacred pool, the bathing ghat, which acts like the town square and public

meeting place. None of that hushed European solemnity here. All is abuzz with natter and gossip.
I was approached by two young men. They were smartly dressed in white shirts and black chino trousers, about 19, your

typical, well educated, friendly students, curious and interested.
one of the things i always liked about Indian trains is that not only would people talk to you, but usually strangers

would strike up conversations between each other.

‘What Religion are you?’, a traditional opener.
I was keen for the company, not really having had a conversation in the previous week!
next it was ‘And what is your good name?’
‘Richard, and what is yours?’
One of them replied ‘why, I am Lenin’
Vladimir Illych! For a moment this threw me, but then I recalled that the neighbouring state, Kerala, had hada

Communist Government for the previous 20 years, I’d already met a couple of Ivans and kinda imagined the young

Trotsky and Stalin, hair pulling tussle, fighting it out in the Indian playgrounds!
i turned to the other ‘And what is your name?’
he muttered back something along the lines of ‘lenin’
doublet and hose, double doppelgangers!
I said ‘gosh that’s unusual, both of you friends have the same name… and Lenin at that’
one look perplexed, a smile broadened, ‘no! like Ringo’
together they said ‘John, Paul, George and Ringo’

Bolshie Scousers and Bolsheviks!
more famous than Jesus, but possibly not than Shiva
made me chortle. all together now: ‘so you say you want a revolution, whoooah!’

* gallimaufry, i have no idea if i’m using this word correctly, but i have always presumed that here i mean,
galleons of sculptures, a surfeit, a glutton abundance of carved garudas, a satiation, a full Devon creams tea worth
of cathedral gargoyles, you know, when you’ve licked out the cream and jam pots. Just Blossom marvelous