buckle me swashes

might well have been mentioned afore
All invited to drinks in the Sidewinder after work on Friday, traditional, it will be PeteC’s birthday (bowls playing Richard Briers lookie alike in the web team) and Huw is leaving and Jen leaving too (awww!), Epic will sadly be completely devoid of it’s quota of Canadians.
Like Ravens at the Tower? i ‘spect the building will fall down

i was 42 yesterday ‘Life the universe and everything’, cakes all round tomorrow.
that would also be my double 21st birthday!
…..just an excuse to waffle about what i was doing 21 years ago
from an old email

…..the Sydney Swans were an aussie rules footie team, aussie rules was only really ever played around a wallow in the mud of Melbourne, but the Swans were set up amidst much Razzamatazz to bring the game to Sydney

I was employed as one of the half time entertainers, dressed as Zorro, I got to prance around the pitch in front of 40 000 people at the Syney Cricket Ground
twirl of cape, swish of sword. what a delightful hoopla!
30 bucks, free scoff, as much beer as you could drink …and you got to watch the game
the only problem being that everybody fancied Queen Cleopatra, my friends Darth Vader and Dracula nearly came to blows over her!

I became a regular, my defining roles were:
once as a furry penguin, I had to waddle race against Joe Bugner, up and down the pitch, both of us pushing giant inflatable balls.
Joe Bugner, a british (brutish?!) boxer from the 70’s had once fought Mohammed Ali for the heavyweight crown of the world.
having emigrated to Australia he’d obviously fallen on hard times.
I took an early lead, but then recklessly decided to ham it up… just a teensy bit, jumping up and down, flapping my wings and waggling my tail feathers at Mr Bugner.
‘It’s a Knockout!’ no, not from a punch, but i tripped, sprawled on the grass and Joe rolled his inflatable ball straight over the top of me!

oh and the other one was when i had to dress up as a mad axeman executioner, we had to dance with the Sydney swannettes, the cheerleaders to the Rocky Horror picture show song

all together now:

It’s just a jump to the left.
And then a step to the right.

With your hands on your hips.

You bring your knees in tight.
But it’s the pelvic thrust
That really drives you insane.
Let’s do the time-warp again.
Let’s do the time-warp again.


whilst having a sarnie on the beach by the pier at lunch, there was this wonderful burqa clad woman.
she lay down on the pebbles, then just rolled sideways, down, down the slope of shingle.
At the bottom she just hooted with laughter, with great dignity got up, back up the slope, then did the whole thing again. guffawing the whole way down!
Then other people began to join in.
I had a bash. It was good fun.
$ky. Pebbles. $ky. Pebbles. $ky
glimpse of blue, muffle of beige

all the while the shussh, the teeth sucking sigh of the waves.
waves, in subtle mimicry, jam roly poly up the beach

what next Skateboarding nuns?


oh a taj superstore has sprung up at the bottom of st james
it’s great, smells delicious, i did 4 laps up and down the aisles at lunch, fantastic food and healthy hippy types
i left tho’, obviously, buying nowt due to being skint

if i were to have any dosh, how ethical is it? are they a brighton based co-op like infinity


oh i bumped into Nick Cave t’other day, prob nothing unusual in that as i think he lives in Hastings
but i’ve been listenning to one of his songs ‘breathless’ which a friend had bunged on a compilation cd. cranky odd and tuneful fun.
Nick was very dapper, goateeish beard, odd suit, but looked a nice bloke
he had his two young sons with him and was in flustered busy dad mode. ha. so i rolled my eyes at him in melodramatic empathy.

must be odd being a celeb in Brighton, the way everybody is just too cool and polite even to look at you.. kinda gently deliberately avoiding your eye
It almost seems politer to point… and gawp!

what was that book i never read which he wrote. any good?

‘Three greasy brother crows wheel, beak to heel, cutting a circle into the bruised and troubled $ky, making fast, dark rings through the thicksome bloats of smoke.’

good places in europe

… reply to a post

… nope no use whatsoever.. but i fancied a witter


when i was young and interrailing we decided to camp out at Pompeii, thought it would be spooky cool to roam the ruins amongst the moonlight
i think we hopped the fence ok but after an hour fled on account of a couple of huge howling baying hell hounds,
that and the fact we were being dive bombarded by voracious mozzies.
caught the first train out… to ..to ..Belgrade.. as you do when interailing

years later i was visiting a goth friend in Napolii, she took me on a late night tour first up and down the funny peculiars (funiculars) then about the alternative nightclubs,
the Italian goths were called ‘the darks’ or something light that, great fun boogeying the night away to Bauhaus and even ha! the Cure

I was impressed that the local gay community at the time had sneaky graffiti painted every lion statue, throughout the city, a pleasingly gaudy pink
hard to be a proud ferocious king of the beasts in your pinkitude, each snarl becomes a gurn!

my grandad tho, who always had the best tales (if not always scrupously truthful),
he collapsed the year i was born in Napolii, a blood clot on the brain
apparently the doctors said that falling and bashing his bonce saved his life, the force dislodging the clot
He was Nursed back to health by Dame Gracie Fields!
Gracie who? .. well think, like she was the 1940’s version of… umm Beyonce…but from Lancaster
She lived on the goat isle of capri and her Florence Nightingale stint was because my great aunt may was the chairperson of her fan club!

Art Degree Show

sure lots of you have been already but it’s the art college(?) degree show on down the road, the buildings sorta opposite pavilion near that hectors house pub.
i had a snoop and a perusal at lunch
amazing how many imaginative, talented folk there are about!
also a jazz band noodling in the courtyard… and the bonus emotion that i felt like a student all over again. ha
i think it maybe the last day, but what do i know, well worth a visit after work

….. finished ….

…that’s a shame

i think theres some art in fabrika, that gallery/ church up the road
for the festival there was a viking long boat made from old wardrobes
the kids thought it was very ship in a bottle and could only wonder how they got it in thru the doors
to which i replied ‘aha’
the best exhibition they ever had in there, was a couple of years ago,
it was like a wooden bridge, glockenspiel, floorboarded contraption,
and a video screen which displayed a similar contraption in a street in Rotterdamm or Kobenhavn or somewhere
If somebody walked on the bridge on the video screen, then, by ‘the power of the internet’,
the same movement was echoed on the bridge in Brighton
eek creak ghost phantom footsteps! very eerie!
A bit like the characters in michael bentines potty time ( a while ago)
walking on the bridge in brighton would be vice versa
There was no sound link, the idea was to communicate across nations through the ‘medium of dance’
I attempted a Michael Jackson moonwalk, spin and crotch grab… possibly over stretching myself

Still, that is the purpose of the global communications revolution, to Basil Fawlty, jumping up and down shaking a comic fist at an audience of mute bewildered yet distant Danes


…reply to a post

vodka jelly… and space cakes… a delightful recipe for ruin
once, at a party i sat in a huge cardboard box (out of my box?) all night long
for entertainment i balanced globubules of vodka jelly (vegetarian natch) on my forehead then rolled them down off the end of my nose and caught them on my tongue. yeucchhh
sorta eddie the eagle ski ramp stylee
it’s good when you invent an entire olympic sport in your head…. suprisingly never caught on

whats jelly roll tho’? John Martyn warbles pleasantly and incoherently about it and then there was jelly roll morton
i’ve always imagined it to be something to do with heroin and something to do with pianos?

Coding Dojo

from Madeline who used to work here:

“This Thursday (19:00-22:00) there is a coding Dojo being held at the University of Sussex as part of the Fringe Festival. Tickets are £3 (you can buy them from the fringe festival ticket office or by contacting info@brightoncodingdojo.co.uk), but there is plenty of free food and drink at the event to be guzzled.

The Dojo is set up to let everyone experiment with coding in a non-competitive, collaborative, fun environment. Everyone is welcome, from beginner to Jedi master.

See http://www.brightoncodingdojo.co.uk/night.html for more information about the night. ”

If you can think of any way to make this sound more appealing to the other programmers, then edit as you will.

Most of the programmers at the university don’t have beards.


i’ll be going!