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gotta be curious about Petr Kropotkin!? listened to a ‘in our time’ about him last night (link below)… a fascinating character!
reminded me that he had a plaque in kemp town I’d often cycle past (near steves old street?)
the little i knew of him before would have been gleaned from ‘Anarchism for Beginners’ a comic book guide perused back at uni… still somewhere in the loft I should imagine!
a polymath he’d give a lecture on Anarchism one day, the next would be Science and Anthropology, followed by Russian Literature!
his theories on mutual aid did much to counteract the nonsense of social darwinism… or, possibly, the subsequent rancid bile of Ayn Rand
i’d say the main heirs of his thought, and anarchism generally, are the Green Movement… self organising, human sized, land based communities, who cooperate with other communities in a non hierarchical manner… whats not to like!
tho many of the straight edge punks i used to know would claim him as one of theirs, but, ha, they’d dispute most things
the best novel I’ve read trying to imagine an anarchist society, ‘the dispossesed’ by the genius ursula k le guin… written back in the seventies… check it out
would i read a book by kropotkin? not blooming likely… yawn, i’m far too busy pfaffing on social media… tho i think i’ll read conrads ‘secret agent’ again, such a fascinating mileu
i love ‘in our time’, bitesize, 1 hour of 3 academics pondering, guided by melvin, perfect for anyone intellectually omnivorous!

iain: Steve mentioned this plaque in a separate conversation a few months back. I did a module in anarchism at uni and Kropotkin was in there of course. When you think about mutual aid it’s so obvious but driven over by the right in zealous need to put the individual at front and centre of all advances. I will take up your book suggestion.

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Ooh a whole module on anarchism sounds lush… Sadly as a chemistry student the only interesting lectures I went too were gatecrashing Freud talks in the psychology dept… The lecturer did seem a bit bewildered as to who I was… Crackpot Kropotkin mbe

Just noticed what a wonderfully schlocky cover ‘the dispossessed’ has! You’d be cross (‘the disappointed’) if you were looking for an erotic space romp?!
I read tons of sci fi as a teenager, obvs much of it is dross, but at it’s best, and Ursula k le guin is certainly that, some profoundly different ways of looking at the world x


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home. om shanti om. exstasis. ajna daff-ff-odil, ff-ing fff-freezing!
a beautiful morning, the river ouse outside the window perfectly calm… the moment when the flood of fresh water downstream is matched by the incoming tide. pivot
ebb balances flow… cusp. this sense of poise.
there is serenity even during spring, this season of both burgeoning possibility and hectic bustle.
equinox full hurtle, solstice stasis.
our moon blooming towards full
euphoria and stupour… tranquility and transience, all arise from each other, a pendulum swing
the complex interaction of cycles, a force which which conjures the universe, feel it flowing through ourselves
duality… polarity… step back, ‘transcend’… everything must change, is changing. the forever flux
even as i stumble to a puzzled mumble halt, as if doctor who were dabbling and gabbling with ganja, ha
it’s a joy to try to voice the obvious… go on give it a go for yourself!
singing along to krishna das as i type, breath of the heart, baba hanuman, luscious and full. deep resonant earthy tones, matching the hoover wheeze drone of the harmonium…
bagpipes! hoovers! harmoniums! oh the life giving drone of prana

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been back a week or so now, such an amazing adventure! a fortunate fellow.
being back has been kinda fun too. once you endure the bamboozlement and exhaustion of jet lag
family! a few friends… ecstatic dance, singing, moshing down the front at franz ferdinand, kirtan, country strolls, bashing about on the bike, sorting the house, yawning at code, pondering dosh, all da usual xx

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i do love a selfie! you may have noticed… crown chakra pineapple… i mean whose ever purchased a pineapple and not tried it on their head? x


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swimming in a pool in the rain
duck dive, a few powerful dolphin kicks, deep within and beneath the turquoise, channeling my inner ‘man from atlantis’
break the surface, air gulp, flip over onto back, lily pad float
the torrential rain pummels and pelts, pooling in eye sockets, cleansing, baptismal
ricocheting, with some force, off my third eye
lotus lotus, om mani padme om, jewell in the lotus lotus
i am part bing crosby, part one of those 1930’s synchronised swimmers… a solo synchronised swimmer?
curiously ungainly on land, in the water i am slee-eeek, creature of grace and flow
next, with a whoop, it’s up and down the water slide, a deceptive hurtle!!!
the waiter comes out to smile, i am the days only customer… earlier, camaraderie, both staring mournful aghast at the continual downpour
trees, awnings, almost everything drips and ripples, a constant kerplonk
mucho juvia… deluge

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yep hotel kin ha, palenque, halfway along the road to las ruinas
actually a motel, think whams club tropicana meets crossroads. i the love child twixt andrew ridgley and benny?
really like it here… a huge sprawling site, littered with concrete faux mayan sculptures, half the huts derelict, mildewed and overgrown, a solemn recognition that one day, one day soon, the jungle will take back everything
these weird baby hippo like creatures scurry by, i guess they are some sort of rodent on steroids? humming birds, as small as butterflies, supping at preposterous blowsy flowers,
parakeets ungainly flap overhead, a terrific screech
oh and howler monkeys, at sunset, their guttural growls competing with, blending into, the cacophony of mexican kids at the on site roller disco… not tonight tho, a different tenure of howl when soggy bedraggled
at tikal i saw toucans!!! TOUCANS!
rain days… days to pause and reflect… out of time, out of place, out of time, out of place… reflect on what? no blooming idea! which, with the soft subtle forgiveness of sunset, I guess, is completely as it should be
oh and i’m guffawing my way through the audio version of ‘my family and other animals’, not my usual taste, must have read it, and loved it when i was 12… comfortable, soothing for the soul


Ruins and Jungle… Parrots, Spider Monkeys, Pisotes (a friendly, funky long nosed Racoon critter), err a psychedelic Turkey… And me… From atop the temples the canopy of trees reaches to the horizon
Tho on reflection, with my 7:00 am face I could be more ancient and stoney than any Mayan carving
34 years (tho only a small slither of a baktun) since I was but an hour away in Flores, yet never made it here… Always good to arrive, however tardy!

Rich P: Remarkable likeness.

I liked the likeness

Yes! Doppelganger for the legendary and benign late classic ruler ‘squinting manatee’

candlelit lunch

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Candlelit Lunch! yes Saturdays in Sussex in January, you too can experience this phenomenon of gloom
outside the Rain is wind swirled into a cold, soggy grey, flannel flurry… allegedly, i haven’t braved it yet.
hiatus, plans scuppered. surrendered… at home, there are certainly worse places to be
photo: #filter … deffo a filter… one of summer spun brightness, just so you can see the plate
was supposed to be about the vegan cheese… i bought up a barrel load of reduced priced festive selection boxes
many of which claim to be superior at melting?… greed and science experiments… hobbies combine
got somewhat swamped by the salad! i know, probably not wise to eat salad in January… but still in a mood of chuck it all in extravaganza!
mango and avocado and tomatoes!
with support from spinach, peppers, olives
walnuts, chia seeds, hemp hearts… lemon, apple cider vinegar, and other motley dressings
yum. instagrin. hodge podge. right…. outside for a stroll

new year

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happy new year. first foot forward
gratitude for the sunlight. for the heave and swell of the ocean. for the miraculous, perfect beauty of our bodies
wishing you all, hmmm: love, wisdom and humorous exuberance for the year to come… trust it will be a good ‘un

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sea swim! it’s not cold. honest injun. and that’s not just bluster and wim hoffery!
winter sea dunks are fine, the water itself is comparatively balmy (march is far colder)
its all the flummery that makes it tricky… usually a biting wind chill when you get out… tho today, warmest new year forever (NOT a good thing)… this morning, as around high tide, was choppier than i’d usually go in
at any rate for warmth, i’m full christmas blubberous, plus a lustrous luxuriance of pelt… perfectly evolved for the vita aquatica!
didn’t manage to swim on christmas day, as too poorly, first year not in forever… boo… so first swim in 6 weeks …. and pedal too! the thrill and joy of movement! hurrah!
blessings and vibes for 2022 x


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‘smile. might never happen’
basgallop, embodying ‘startled’, models a teal turquoise embroidered sparkle scarf sarong
christmas gift from daughter… tho crikey my skin has the colour, texture and probably smell of over-boiled cabbage… blooming winter… have forgotten what the sun looks like!

David R: Your selfies are the best!

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marvelous! thanks, especially coming from such a top notch photographer… i love selfies! fascinating how folk, in all of their myriad, preposterous beauty, choose to represent themselves x

crescendo and chaos

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crescendo and chaos. the sea is a brute
flung up, then smashed down… the froth of pummel and turmoil
bedlam. brouhaha. beneath this late afternoon winters light
the sea, she is cajoled then threatened…sister moon, brother wind.
volatile… ever the scientist… pour energy into any system, the outcome: BRoiL then fRENZy!
shout into the wind, these your desires and fears….my heart, some sea thing child


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super invigourating! and most deffo not for swimming in today
futile feeble to wave either a mobile phone or these few words! but hey, always we do… an urge to share… testament, to bear witness, to immensity
back to bed, a long dreary convalescence… audiobooks, chocolate and bollywood! mellow twixtmas one and all x


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‘ha, ha, ha’ (huge booming infectious laughter) ‘i LOVE being loved!’… just listened to desmond tutus desert island discs, immense moral integrity, such a warm engaging character, the cadence of his voice… plus with a ‘desmond’ he even has a level of degree named after him… unique. RIP


leaf kerfuffel

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leaf kerfuffle! brown, dowdy but exultant… myriad hued… the autumnal tumble, a last leaf hurrah
scampering about the beech wood, like an exuberant puppy… i caught so so many leaves!… each a wish… one for you
hmmm.. catching leaves should be a ceremonial process… a druidic serenade?
station yourself, slightly downwind, of the oldest most majestic beech spirit within the woods
begin the invocation with a bout of strenous whistling… i favour ‘i am the lord of the dance said he’… place one finger, folk singer style in ear, a la Euan McColl… other hand should nestle, nonchalant, in pocket
‘O mighty Beech, begin the gyre, release your leaves of burnished copper!’… the more operatic the better (always!?)
a wind, weary sweeps through the canopy… the leaves begin their fall
some proceed with orderly haste, others pirrhouette, loop da loop, a melodramatic swan song
focus on one, far aloft, leaf summoner, leaf stalker… feel the quiver as it acknowledges the beckon of gravity
down, down it plummets… pounce! a lunge forward, a frenzy of grasp and clutch, the leaf tickles the fingers, then pancake follops over and … ‘BUNDLE’ chucks itself onto the dingy pile of leaf husks on the ground below
but then, unheralded, another leaf, slaps against my forehead… bill stickering into place… i gently peel it off, cheerfully whooping ‘caught one’
aw people, them PEOPLE, make such a fuss about intention! but half the knack is just to acknowledge, have gratitude for, good fortune when we accidentally blunder stumble over it?
oops i’ve gone all Mills and Boon meets the Beano!
anyway, not the easiest of seasons, stodge despondency and despair… thought i’d written something wise in my morning pages… but it remains an indecipherable scrawl!
these eclipse hours… schumann resonance? hathor frequency?
stand beneath the trees… respond with stillness… feel the frequency… strident but calm… the one ringing clarion note that underpins being. bliss