Musee des Beaux Arts

Musee des Beaux Arts W.H. Auden

About suffering they were never wrong,
The Old Masters; how well, they understood
Its human position; how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along;
How, when the aged are reverently, passionately waiting
For the miraculous birth, there always must be
Children who did not specially want it to happen, skating
On a pond at the edge of the wood:
They never forgot
That even the dreadful martyrdom must run its course
Anyhow in a corner, some untidy spot
Where the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturer’s horse
Scratches its innocent behind on a tree.
In Breughel’s Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away
Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman may
Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry,
But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone
As it had to on the white legs disappearing into the green
Water; and the expensive delicate ship that must have seen
Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky,
had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.

Natural History Museum

from Ed
I organised a trip to the Science Museum last weekend and I had a brilliant time, although it was a little smaller than I remember it being as a kid.

….. un posted by me

Thats a very good idea Ed, like a school trip
we always used to go to the Natural History museum when i was young, packed lunch would be womble sandwiches. which are jam, banana and crisps!
what was that film ‘one of our dinosaurs is missing?’
I was at the Natural History a few months ago, it’s looking a bit tatty, needs a spruce up and a revamp.
I prefer the V&A. When i was young i thought ‘Victoria and Albert, thats just full of boring girls dresses’.
nowadays being a big girls blouse i think, ‘the history of fashion, how fascinating’
but theres so much more in it than that! Some groovy Buddhist statues, but my fave is ‘the hall of fakes’
Those totally bonkers victorians roamed the world plundering what ever they could and bringing it home, then stuck it in a museum, for the edification of it all.
The stuff they couldn’t loot, too big, too nailed down? Well they some how made huge wax casts of it all,
then back in the Victoria and Albert, made life size plaster cast cement models of them.
It’s a very baffling, odd, juxtaposition of artefacts, times and cultures.
Theres the enormous Trajans column from ancient rome, sitting right up against the portico of a medieval french cathedral
I love it!

Does the British museum still have sleep over nights, when you can sleep in the room with the egyptian mummies? The inspiration for Night at the Museum!
I went to see that Film with Finn the other week. On the saturday we’d gone to see Flushed Away, which was great, but Finn woulkd only come if I promised to take him to ‘Night at the Museum’ the next day. In the end i succumbed, acceded to his demands and indulged in good old fashionned bribery.
The film? well, it’s alright i guess, i liked Attilla the Hun. It’s a good film for 10 year old boys, having a 10 year old boy in it and a divorced dad, so just about right.

has anyone seen the skeletons in the Boothe museum?

ooh now i wish to witter about the Sir John Soanes museum in Lincolns Inns Field!
another day


…. the one day in years it snowed in Brighton, that morn

Amazing! Hope it lasts till the kids get out of school
anyone for a snowball fight by the fountain at lunch?
programmers take on the rest of the world! as ever.
I made a snowman in the middle of a snow spiral this morn, prob knocked over by now, but hugely satisfying

In Prague when it’d snow, people would cross country ski through the heart of the old town!
First sniff of snow and we’d all tumble out of the squat cafe for a snow battle on Karlov Most (Charles Bridge), hurrah, then i built a snowman just next to the statue of the lion with the wobbly nervous smile
… a friend of mine singing all alone, late at night in the old town square, snow glow like daylight.
she was a busker , but just doing it for fun this time. Snow has incredible acoustic properties, the sound deaden muffled, but bound resound of the buildings. ethereal

and heres a piccie Joe took of the snow, good isn’t it


…..a new shark found
some sort of ribbon finned timorous beastie!
(reminds me when is Burns night?)
that shark is miraculously, wonderfully ugly, prob the secret to it surviving 80 zillion years
i feel some affinity with it

………. not put up …..
Ugly Fish! What a good idea you lot.
There must be tons of hideous deep sea critters. behemoths lurking beneath the sea.
got any photos?
We could cut out pictures of them to keep in our wallets
was it Jo Brand who used to call herself the deep sea monster?

One of my friends, she always said i was like a Manatee, a matinee idol? nope one of those dull, happy, ugly browsing sea cows. I think their great! Mermaid of legend.

Down in ze deepest worzel devon, me lover (you do the accent) theres a dish called starry gazey pie.
In which they bake the fishes head, so that it’s cold dead eyes stare up to heaven!
Despite (because?) of being a vegetarian, I am fascinated by fishmongers, i love wandering around Spanish or French markets
All the Fish, belly up, stone cold, clammy dead on the slab. Fascinating.
Like Aliens.

Actually Mark when he was a monk, said that one of the Buddhist day trips was a visit to the morgue, i can see them shaven head, saffron robed, standing about gawping at the corpse. Sorta funny.
I guess the lesson being that life, the soul, is most definitely not the body

Once Kath, Dave and I found loads of puff ball mushrooms, we fried them up, then went out to the Red Cow, to wash them down with buckets of scrumpy. ugghhh felt just so sick the next day.
went to play pitch and putt on the local course. Forgetting it was just next to the cemetry.
All morning long. hungover. the wind blowing the smoke of Incinerated bodies all over the course
cheery stuff.

deep sea beasts? the other week i phoned a fax machine by mistake, just sitting their listening to it’s plaintive groans, the warble of it’s long drawn out moans, like whale song.
Whale song of the Info deep.
i must get out more.

pans labyrinth

has anybody seen this film? any good?
to be honest it looks a bit scary for me
apparently it’s still on at the Odeon 5:15 Mon – Thurs
so in the unlikely event that i get the hang of this flexi time lark, i might even get to see it!

….. some posts later, as to whether a faun or pan and level of political allegory
is it a satire? or a satyr? oh no legs and co, pans people, i sound more like Mitchelmore.
It does sound really good, but far too scary for me!
are there any RomComs on at the mo, maybe one with Hugh Grant?

michael caine

i nearly posted this one, couldnae decide

lunchtime waffle…

oooh. is there a website where you can find out who shares your birthday? That would be very useful!
I know that my little niece shares the same birthday as Stalin… the resemblance is startling!
but thats about it

as for maurice mickelwhite(?) i predfer the top piccie of him, the bottom one is more obviously iconic, but in the top he looks much more flawed, human

far from swigging champers in the south of france, he is often to be found in the leatherhead branch of B&Q, purchasing formica shelving units, or some such, as he has a mansion quite near my parents (stellar street?) in leatherhead

in fact his wife was once chased by Donald McCloud (my folks lovely old pooch) across Leatherhead golf course, right into a bunker!

actually this isn’t totally true at all, Donald in fact chased that New Zealand Opera singer woman
Dame Kiri Te Kwanawa… and not Mrs Caine
It wasn’t that Iceland mum, Kerry Kattona? or Eric Cantonna either. oh well.
And click on the relevant date.

i am
Willy Messcherschmidt
Jay Silverheels (who he?)
and Gilberto Gil

A Frisbee day or a Kite day?


gadzooks. a gale.
isn’t it wonderful!
who needs champagne when you’ve the sploosh splosh froth of an exuberant Ocean!
I abandoned bike and walked in, doing the ladder lean into the wind
certain programmers complain of having their face blown off!
I shook my fist at the sea and trudged along
The painter Turner used to insist on being tied to a ships mast and sailing straight into a storm. nutter
can’t see the Marina Fishing fleet agreeing, tho’ they do have fantastic tattered bin bag flags

can still tatse the salt sea spray. yum
oh dear. that sounds horrible
glad it wasn’t worse

here you are with your pet bin

the ladder lean? I don’t think its a proper phrase? …yet
but why it’s obvious, pure Monty Pythagoras, with, i guess, You the hypotenuse?
You have to lean into the wind, as far far forward as possible, pretend your ski jump champ, Eddie the Eagle!

leaning sideways would encourage toppling over, that would be plain daft!
Do try it, ’tis good fun…. but top tip not on a cliff top

all these garments coming alive is just like the finale of Bed Knobs and Broomsticks!

The North Berwick witches used to tie a knot in their hankies, as a spell for the wind
and every time a prayer flag flaps it sends a prayer up to heaven. inspired holy laziness!

‘Idiot Wind’, we all need an indian style name
When we were trekking in the Andes, Flaps was ‘Turd treader’, whilst i was ‘Cloud Sniffer’
… curiously i did the naming